24 March 2011

school daze

though i never aspired to "home school," that does seem to be what we're doing right now. we are still prayerfully considering other options. for now, maggie is learning to read and gwyneth is learning to hold a pencil and sit still. teaching maggie to read is by far the easier task. i am so thankful to the LORD for giving me the grace to do this. daily. grace. amazing. grace!

ok, i'm bragging but she wrote this all on her own!!!
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a few photos from their fun day with andrew and lily

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when daddy and uncle andrew are in charge...

have you ever heard of telford's auqeduct? the girls got to walk on part of it last saturday. at some point, the men realized that the girls could fit through the bars. they very wisely did not walk all the way across=)

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07 March 2011

have i mentioned...

that maggie LOVES swim lessons? just take a look at that smile!
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