28 May 2009

happy birthday, maggie!

today our first born daughter turns 3. from the bedrest to the emergency c-section to the many hours of screaming and crying (deputation travels!) to the endless joys of her expressive and passionate personality, we praise the LORD for her. there is so much about Christ that i never would have known otherwise. she loves to be read to, play with her imaginary friends, tell gwyneth what to do, go to the park and just have fun. i think she is officially british because she asked for scones for her birthday breakfast=) she is fully potty trained, knows several verses and catechisms and LOVES TO SING! she also loves the color pink. i'm not sure how that happened. she insists on sleeping with her bunny, molly, the green blanket and sometimes several other blankets. she is extremely habitual. and her communicating skills amaze me.
our prayer is that she will be saved and that all of that passion will be used for Christ and His kingdom.
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Jennifer Arnold said...

Happy Birthday, Maggie! We love you! You are growing up so much. We can't wait to see you next month!
Jenn, Daniel, Caleb, and Lucy Mae

Cherith said...

Happy Birthday, Maggie! I love you and miss you! Love, Adelyn

Ellen said...

Happy Birthday, Maggie!!! It's hard to believe that you are already 3. I remember coming to the hospital and holding you so that your Mommy could blowdry her hair. I hope you have a GREAT birthday!


Mrs. Howell

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday, Maggie!

Lois McLean said...

Happy Birthday Sweetie!
So proud to hear you are completely potty trained! Big girl! And that you enjoy life so much - what a blessing! Sure miss you and love you. Gramma Lois

Erika said...

Can this really be happening?!?! How did these three years go so fast!

And from Emmalein:
Happy birthday to you, Maggie! I miss you 'ots! Love you!

Love from all of us Merkles